Youths steal liquor
A window of Spirits of Cow Bay was shattered on April 24, setting off the alarm at 2:40 a.m. Police reviewed video surveillance from the liquor store of two youths stealing items near the cash register. Suspects matching the description were found at Sixth Avenue West and Tatlow Street. They were arrested then released with the promise to appear at a court date.
READ MORE: RCMP briefs: youth arrested for arson, man arrested for assault at restaurant
Vehicle stolen from New Hazelton found on 11th Street
Someone reported a vehicle they believed was stolen was found parked outside of a home on 11th Street. At 11 p.m., RCMP went to look at the vehicle, which had no licence plates, and matched its VIN number to a vehicle reported stolen in New Hazelton several days before. The vehicle was seized and will be processed by the RCMP forensic services.
“It’s very rare that we get reports of stolen vehicles,” Corporal Devon Gerrits said.
Four drunk men arrested on Second Avenue West
A large group of intoxicated people were found in an alley in the 700 block of Second Avenue West on April 26. RCMP found several open liquor bottles and four men were beyond the point of being able to care for themselves. They were arrested at 3 p.m. for being intoxicated in a public place, and were held in custody until they were sober.
“That’s unusual,” Gerrits said. “Usually we’ll come across one person or maybe two people, but to find four people that were intoxicated beyond the point that they were able to care for themselves is unusual for us.”
READ MORE: Stabbing on First and McBride, seven public intoxication arrests in one day
Fighting on Third Avenue West
Two men were fighting on Third Avenue West and Sixth Street at 4 p.m. on April 28. Police arrested both of the men, who were intoxicated, for causing a disturbance. One of the men was breaching four conditions of his probation order, and was remanded to court the next day. The second man was released from custody after sobering up.
Ambulance calls for police assistance
BC Ambulance called RCMP and requested assistance on April 27 between 11 a.m. and noon. EHS were treating an intoxicated woman in Granville Court on Fraser Street, but a large group of people surrounding them made it difficult to treat her.
After being assessed by EHS, the woman was medically cleared by staff at the hospital. Police found the woman was also on an undertaking with a condition not to be found consuming liquor. She was arrested and released on the promise to appear in court at a later date.
Driving under the influence
While police were on patrol at 2:30 a.m. on April 29, they saw a vehicle on Third Avenue West fail to signal as it turned on Fulton Street. They stopped the vehicle for a traffic infraction, and discovered the driver appeared impaired. The driver then failed a roadside screening test, so their vehicle was impounded for 30 days and the driver cannot drive for 90 days.
Read weekly RCMP briefs from Prince Rupert here.
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