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The benefits of drinking coffee

Marisca enjoys a cup of java

As a mom, I feel so guilty buying myself anything or really, anything expensive. I have no problem getting my children new shoes or clothes but when it comes to buying myself anything, I have a hard time.

Except when it comes to coffee. I have an expensive coffee machine and purchase pricey pods for it. It isn’t environmentally friendly or cheap but for some reason, I don’t feel bad about it. It’s my one true indulgence.

It is probably because my children don’t sleep well. I have three young kids and each one wakes up at least once throughout the night. (Trust me, I’ve tried everything. Nothing works. I’ve come to terms with the fact that they are simply allergic to sleeping.)

I depend on my morning java to wake me up and I need a second (or third) cup later in the morning for an extra caffeine boost.

It keeps me sane.

This sounds dramatic, but it keeps me alive and well. It is for everyone’s good that I have a good cup of Joe. The smell, the taste and the quick jolt of energy makes it possible for me to parent at 5 a.m. after being awake several times in the night.

Apparently I am not alone though.

A new survey of 1,502 Canadians conducted by Magnum Nutraceuticals found that 64 per cent of people would never give up their morning coffee.

And why should they? A cup of coffee actually has health benefits.

The caffeine is a stimulant, which can get your metabolism going. This won’t replace your daily exercise but any extra boost is good, in my books.

Another study found that black coffee is also associated with a link to aiding the prevention of type 2 diabetes. Coffee is also rich in antioxidants.

Of course, this is plain coffee or with a small splash of milk. The sugary concoctions or added sweeteners negate the health benefits because of the added sugar and calories. For example, the White Chocolate Mocha Creme Frappuccino at Starbucks has 550 calories in a 20-ounce serving and also contains 12 g of saturated fat.

Most health experts will say no more than 400mg of caffeine each day, which is roughly three or four cups of brewed coffee. And for some, coffee isn’t good, like those with anxiety or those who suffer from acid reflux.

But for me, it is a necessity.

READ MORE: Toys overload: When is enough enough?

Marisca Bakker

About the Author: Marisca Bakker

Marisca was born and raised in Ontario and moved to Smithers almost ten years ago on a one-year contract.
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