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Thanks to the third-floor angels

I was admitted to the Prince Rupert Regional Hospital with a life-threatening blood clot. The care I received was exceptional.


About a month ago, I was admitted to the Prince Rupert Regional Hospital with a life-threatening blood clot. The care I received from the third-floor nursing staff during my 10-day stay was exceptional.

Firstly, I would like to thank the travelling nurses, especially Miss H., who visited every morning with a smile that made me forget my pain. There were several others, including Mrs. C. who was a master at inserting an IV painlessly. Another nurse, whose name I don’t know, but who has a long, brown ponytail, was kind and generous with her time which made my stay so much easier.

To all of them, many of whose names I don’t know, I can’t thank you enough. And to Dr. John Fawell, my special thanks for such compassionate care. To everyone, I can just say ‘Thank You, from the bottom of my heart’.

Darrell Allen

Prince Rupert