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Letter to the Editor: Forum behaviour saddening

I am a 16-year-old boy who has a big interest in politics, I went to the political debate at the Lester Centre last night...

I am a 16-year-old boy who has a big interest in politics, I went to the political debate at the Lester Centre last night and I was disgusted at the behaviour of the community at this event.

The constant heckling and insults that were thrown at some of the candidates were uncalled for and honestly makes me ashamed to be a part of this community. Being a politician is not an easy job; it requires tons of effort and man hours. They took time out of their day to come down to Prince Rupert to have a respectful debate with other candidates and to see the citizens of Prince Rupert unnecessarily insult some of the candidates was disgusting and makes me ashamed to be a part of this community.

As a young man who wants to eventually get into politics, to see the hate that was spewed from our own community was honestly very unnerving and saddening.