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In Our Opinion: Showcase our art

The art scene on the North Coast is rich in culture, colour and creativity — but its not always easy to uncover.

The art scene on the North Coast is rich in culture, colour and creativity — but its not always easy to uncover.

Over the weekend, the Ice House Gallery offered a studio tour to meet some of the artists and to view/purchase their work. For a $10 ticket, participants were given a passport and a list of who was showing off what and where.

Unfortunately, few of us heard even a whisper about the Studio Tour.

There were spots all over the city and Port Edward to visit. Some were only available one or both of the days. Doing the Sunday tour was a bit of an adventure, once again adding to the mystery of where these artists may be hiding.

The first two places we visited were closed or Google Maps took us to an empty lot.

When we finally located the last four on the list, the work was spectacular, affordable and conversations with the artists were enlightening. If only more people had known about this Studio Tour on such a perfect rainy day to be inside celebrating local art.