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Get out there and vote this Saturday

There is perhaps no politician that is going to have more of an impact on your day-to-day life than a municipal politician.

There is perhaps no politician that is going to have more of an impact on your day-to-day life than a municipal politician.  I know that’s a bit of a stretch given the scope of the decisions made at the Federal and Provincial levels, but when you really think about it, it is a tough point to argue.

The reality is that the MLA elected to represent a riding is one of 85 people sitting at the table. Their vote could sway things one way or another, but realistically that’s doubtful as a) 43 people in favour or opposed to something decide the fate of the legislation, b) there are only two parties so a majority is easy to get in the Legislature and, perhaps most importantly c) those who are elected are far more likely to vote as directed by their party than as directed by their constituents due to a system that allows parties to reprimand those who don’t tow the party line.

On the federal level, it’s a similar situation except the MP is one of 308 people casting their vote - again most likely along party line. So in this case if 155 people support or oppose something that’s how it is going to happen. And in the current Parliament the Conservatives have a majority so they can really do whatever they want.

Compare that to the municipal level. Here in Rupert, the largest municipal council on the North Coast, the happenings of the City when it comes to taxes, infrastructure, spending and so on is based on the desire of just four people. That’s right, if four people want something done it’s done, if four people don’t want something done it’s not. That is a lot of power to be putting into someone’s hands when it comes to decisions that will reflect on your tax bills or in the schools.

By now all the candidates have outlined their ideas, and lengthy stories on that can be found on our website at It’s now in the hands of us, the voters, as to who gets that power and who represents our interests.

This Saturday, do yourself a favour and get out and vote. Vote for those who share your beliefs or vote against those whose ideas you strongly oppose. Regardless how you vote, make your voice heard on Saturday.