TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Section 4 of the Warehouseman’s Lien Act, the contents of net cubicles/ LOCKERS stored at 200 Bayview Drive, Port Edward, BC will be sold by private sale on FEBRUARY 25, 2025, to satisfy the indebtedness of the following people:
- Glen Ezaki $651.71
- Jamie Helin $1251.93
- Bekki Condie $1180.58
- Richard Banin, Tracy Wheeler $700.53
- James Johansen $1884.45
- Raymond Nelson Sr $ 6685.75
- Calvin Skulsh $4652.35
- Bill Etzerza $1759.03
- Ray Nelson Jr. $27,995.62
Arrears owing from unpaid storage and labour fees since deposit. Highest offer or any offer not necessarily accepted.
Goods may be viewed during regular office hours M-F 830-5 after Jan 20,2025 and offers made in writing to the Port Edward Harbour Authority, PO Box 1820, 200 Bayview Drive, Port Edward, BC, V0V 1G0. info@peharbour.ca