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US Maritime Commission outlines scope of investigation into west coast ports

The US Federal Maritime Commission has released information on the scope of their investigation.

Prince Rupert school board votes to close Port Edward school

At the November 8 meeting the Prince Rupert School District Board of Education voted to close Port Edward school.

Report cards in Prince Rupert School District not expected to contain grades

Students in Prince Rupert will soon receive report cards, but parents shouldn't expect an update on how their child is performing.

Enbridge addresses landslide concerns along the route

Enbridge is doing extensive geotechnical work to avoid the risk of landslides along the proposed route of the Northern Gateway pipelines

MP wants a deal on Prince Rupert reduction plant

MP, Nathan Cullen, says that he’s dismayed by the closing of the JS. McMillian processing and rendering plant at the end of last month.
Prince Rupert RCMP seek assistance in locating missing man

Prince Rupert RCMP seek assistance in locating missing man

Prince Rupert RCMP are seeking public’s help in locating Andre GRANT.

Six north coast communities to be visited by Enbridge Review Panel in 2012

A number of North Coast communities will hearings from the Joint Review Panel that is conducting a review of the Enbridge project.
Bell apologizes for 'gay tourism' error

Bell apologizes for 'gay tourism' error

Jobs Minister Pat Bell has asked his staff to investigate how a ministry brochure erroneously warned against promoting gay tourism in China.

Meet the candidates for Prince Rupert School Board

The candidates for School Board Trustee in Prince Rupert were given 350 words to talk to our readers.
B.C. joins lineup at China's door

B.C. joins lineup at China's door

Premier Christy Clark and senior B.C. cabinet ministers are seeing plenty of competition as they visit China this week.