Three adult lab-confirmed COVID-19 cases are the root of four different potential exposures affecting staff and students in Prince Rupert schools, School District 52 officials announced on Jan. 18 in a press release.
The board of trustees has called a special regular open meeting on Jan. 21 at 5 p.m. to discuss COVID-19 matters. Those wishing to attend via Zoom need to contact the board offices for a connection link.
“The district became aware of three lab-confirmed adult cases and, in accordance with provincial protocols, sent letters home to parents,” the release read. “Those three cases have resulted in four active notices of potential exposure.”
The School District issued a reminder about the stigma of COVID-19.
“It’s important to not contribute to stigma because of COVID-19, for groups including people diagnosed with COVID-19, and their caregivers or contacts,” Cam McIntyre, secretary-treasurer for SD 52, told The Northern View.
“Stigma hurts everyone by creating fear or anger towards other people, and can negatively affect the mental health of stigmatized groups and the communities they live in,” McIntyre said in an email.
The SD 52 press release said each school has a COVID-19 safety plan in place. These safety plans are being followed precisely and, because of this, Northern Health believes the risk of additional cases is very low.
“The safety and well-being of our students, families, and staff remain our highest priority,” the media statement said.
The places and dates of exposure are:
Lax Kxeen Elementary on Jan. 7 and 8, continue to monitor for symptoms until Jan. 22
Prince Rupert Middle School, Jan. 8, continue to monitor for symptoms until Jan. 22
Conrad Elementary, Jan. 11 to 13, continue to monitor for symptoms until Jan. 27
Lax Kxeen Elementary Jan. 12, continue to monitor for symptoms until Jan. 26
“Our schools remain open and continue to implement the strict protocols and procedures we have in place so that children and staff can continue to attend school as safely as possible,” SD 52 officials said in the release.
K-J Millar | Journalist
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