Man stabbed, police seek information
A man walked into a business in the 700 block of Third Avenue West asking for paper towel for a stab wound on his back. After staff called the police to report the incident, Prince Rupert officers found the man at the hospital being treated for minor injuries. While the man is expected to make a full recovery, he did not cooperate with the police investigation.
Corporal Devon Gerrits said the investigation is ongoing. Anyone who saw something suspicious between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. in the 700 block area of Third Avenue West on May 12 are asked to contact Prince Rupert RCMP.
Assault with weapon on Third Avenue West
On May 9, police received a report of an assault at an inn on the 1000 block of Third Avenue West. Gerrits said it is alleged that a woman assaulted a man, and another man held a knife toward the victim. Police arrived at 3 p.m. and located the two suspects near the area and arrested them for assault with a weapon. The arrested man was also found to be breaching eight conditions of his probation order, so he is being held in custody. The woman was released on a promise to appear at a future court date.
READ MORE: RCMP briefs: Drunk man pees on bar, taxi windshield broken
Vehicle hits road sweeper on Highway 16
On May 8, an eastbound vehicle hit the rear end of a road sweeper near the 55-kilometre mark on Highway 16. When police arrived, the vehicle was on its side and the driver was taken to the hospital for minor injuries. The driver of the vehicle said the road sweeper was creating a lot of dust and they were unable to see it. Police issued the driver a violation ticket for passing when it was not safe to.
Car crash on Overlook Street
On May 11, a car crashed in the 1300 block of Overlook Street. The driver was the only person in the vehicle and told police officers that they were driving their friend’s car when the brakes failed. No one was injured, but the vehicle had extensive damage and had to be towed.
Bike goes missing in Cow Bay
Someone reported their grey 10-speed bicycle was stolen from the Cow Bay Area. On May 13, the person left their bike unlocked for an hour and a half. When police arrived, they found an unattended bicycle matching the description after a search. The owner confirmed the bicycle was theirs and it was returned to them.
Fulton Street death not suspicious
A coroner’s investigation is underway for the 59-year-old man who died on Fulton Street on May 11. After the man was found collapsed on the sidewalk and not breathing, police said they have not deemed the death suspicious or suspect foul play.
Read weekly RCMP briefs from Prince Rupert here.
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