A Princeton man called 911 on Monday, Sept. 13, after he witnessed someone being turned away from a local restaurant under vaccine passport regulations.
RCMP Sgt. Rob Hughes said the caller wanted to register his outrage about the customer not receiving his breakfast.
Hughes said the caller blamed Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau for the country “falling apart.”
On a related issue, Princeton’s top Mountie said police will not respond to calls regarding how restaurants enforce the new passport rules, which came into effect on the same day.
“It’s not a police issue, that’s public health and we are not the regulatory agency.”
However, RCMP will act if a patron becomes unruly over passport enforcement, or any other issue.
“Causing a disturbance, for whatever reason, we attend and deal with the cause of the disturbance,” Hughes said.
He noted causing a disturbance can result in criminal charges.
RELATED: Poll: majority of Canadians favour vaccine passport for non-essential places
RELATED: Late food, CERB and soiled mattresses: E-Comm releases worst 911 calls of 2020
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