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Prince Rupert recognizes citizens with Civic Merit Awards

Building community is fun and games for Rob Gruber, award recipient and owner of Good Time Games

Three Prince Rupert citizens, Rob Gruber, Teresa Mackereth and Ella Ferland, were recently honoured by the city council with the 2022 Civic Recognition Awards.

The “Civic Merit Award” represents an award bestowed on an individual who has brought distinction to the community through their outstanding achievement in one or more of the following areas: business and entrepreneurs, arts and entertainment, science and academics, health and education, sports and youth leadership and volunteer and community service, the City of Prince Rupert’s web site states.

Rob Gruber, the owner of Good Times Games, was presented with his award at the regular council meeting on Aug. 22.

Mayor Lee Brain explained in previous years the awards had been presented on Canada Day. However, due to the ongoing changes with COVID-19 and re-vamped celebrations the ceremonies on the day differed this year.

“We’ll say thank you very much for all your service to the community. You’ve been nominated to get this award for everything you do for the town,” the mayor said, addressing Gruber in the meeting.

“I’m so genuinely proud and excited to have received the award,” Gruber told The Northern View. “As a lifelong born and raised Rupertite it means the world to be appreciated by your community.”

Brain said the internationally recognized Gruber was being honoured for everything he does for the children of the community and how he “builds community” with his business.

“So you’re doing great work and you deserve to be recognized and that’s why you’re here this evening,” Brain said.

K-J Millar | Editor and Multimedia Journalist
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