Two people were taken to hospital and then later released after the Recreation Complex was evacuated for a reported ammonia leak.
Prince Rupert fire crews responded to the scene between 4:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. on Wednesday, July 4.
Everyone was evacuated from the centre after the alarm sounded. Most of the people in the recreation centre had left for the day as summer camps had ended, stated the City of Prince Rupert’s press release on July 5.
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“This incident remains under investigation by both Prince Rupert Fire Rescue and Worksafe BC. The event involved a high pressure release of ammonia from a lone tank external to the recreation facility, which has now released 100 per cent of the ammonia into the atmosphere with no environmental impact,” stated the city.
Fire crews cleared the site after walking through the building with an ammonia detector. For the remaining ammonia on site, the fire department determined it had been stored properly.
Following the inspection, the Recreation Complex reopened Thursday, July 5, for programming.
“Any questions from citizens should be directed to the city to ensure that accurate information is communicated. We are incredibly sorry to the two people who were hospitalized during the incident, and their families, and will take all necessary precautions to ensure something like this does not happen again,” the city’s press release said.
READ MORE: City launches its own app and emergency notification system
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