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No increases of COVID-19 at Acropolis -16 residents now recovered

Vaccinations have helped to stabilize Prince Rupert long-term care facility virus numbers
Rose Sawka, 91, reaches out to her son Terry Sawka, on a daily visit through the window, from inside Acropolis Manor where a COVID-19 outbreak took hold on Jan 19. Rose was vaccinated for the virus on Jan. 20 and as of Feb. 25 has remained virus free. (Photo: K-J Millar/The Northern View)

The number of B.C. long-term care COVID-19 outbreaks, such as that in Prince Rupert’s Acropolis Manor, have dropped significantly since the immunization campaign began, Eryn Collins communications manager for Northern Health said, on Feb. 25.

“The immunization of residents at Acropolis Manor has played a role in helping to stabilize the outbreak,” Collins said. “On a positive note, we are now at 16 residents who are considered recovered.”

As of Feb. 25, the numbers remain unchanged from those reported on Feb. 16 with 33 total residents who have tested positive as well as 23 staff. Also unchanged is the number of deaths caused by the virus in the facility which remains at 14 residents having passed away.

“The outbreak at Acropolis Manor is considered stable at this point, but all outbreak measures remain in place,” Collins told The Northern View in an email. “Public health will continue to monitor closely.”

Collins said the outbreak would be declared over only after the length of two 14-day COVID incubation periods without any potential exposure to a confirmed case.

The Center for Disease Control dashboard which is updated weekly, reports that up to Feb. 25 since the pandemic began there have been 4,478 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Northern Health region. As of Jan. 31, 80 of those were in Prince Rupert, 422 in Terrace, 79 in Kitimat, 132 in the Nass Valley, and 39 were in Haida Gwaii.

The CDC maps which are updated every Wed. report that from Feb. 14 to 20, Prince Rupert had 51 cases of the virus, Terrace had 36, Haida Gwaii had 26, Nass Valley had 5, with Kitimat having no cases of COVID-19.

As of Feb. 25, there were 4,489 active cases throughout all regions in the province, with 1,348 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. Recoveries stand at 78,781 province-wide.

K-J Millar | Journalist
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