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Nine dead from COVID-19 at Acropolis Manor

Six more deaths over the weekend of Jan. 31, Northern Health stated
Nine residents have died as of Feb. 1, 2021. A lone cross adorns the front lawn of Acropolis Manor in Prince Rupert on Jan. 30 to honour the memory, mark the loss at the long-term health care facility where a COVID-19 outbreak was declared on Jan. 19. (Photo: K-J Millar/The Northern View)

Six more residents died over the weekend at Prince Rupert’s long-term health care facility and seniors home due to a COVID-19 outbreak which was declared on Jan. 19, Northern Health announced in a press release on Feb. 1.

“Tragically, nine Acropolis Manor residents have died since the outbreak began, and Northern Health offers heartfelt condolences to the family and caregivers of these individuals,” Eryn Collins communication manager at Northern Health said.

While deaths are increasing inside the home so too are the numbers of COVID-19 cases.

“Ongoing monitoring and testing of staff and residents at Acropolis Manor in Prince Rupert has identified additional lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19. As of Feb. 1st, 25 residents and 15 staff members at Acropolis Manor have tested positive for COVID-19,” a news release issued by Northern Health read.

“Northern Health continues to take steps to protect the health of all Acropolis Manor residents and staff, and appreciates the hard work of staff, nurses and physicians who continue to provide compassionate care during understandably challenging circumstances.”

The health care facility has implemented enhanced outbreak control measures which include, but are not limited to:

• Co-locating residents who have tested positive for COVID-19, and controlling staff and resident movement between care areas

• Increased screening for all staff and residents

• Cleaning and infection control measures have been enhanced

• Increasing capacity for virtual visits, while in-person social visits are suspended (essential visits continue, with clear COVID-19 prevention measures in place)

“Additional supports continue to be implemented at Acropolis Manor, to ensure safe and consistent care for residents and to answer questions from resident families, and staff. Communication with families is ongoing,” the statement said.

K-J Millar | Journalist
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