~By Cst. Laura Lechky
On May 27, 2011, at 9:54 p.m. the police received a call from the Crest Hotel where an occupant saw one person with a blue and green kayak, overboard in the middle of the Harbor. The complainant stated the person had been there for approximately five minutes. The kayaker was rescued by a citizen who had his boat ready to go. The citizen ventured out to tow the kayaker safely to shore. The kayaker was checked by Emergency Medical Services and found to be slightly hypothermic but would fully recover from the incident.
On May 28, 2011, at 9:40 a.m. the Prince Rupert RCMP responded to a vague complaint from a female needing help, who was incoherent and provided information that she was in a wooded area near the waterfront. The female was in and out of consciousness and the cell phone connection was lost. Police Dog Services was dispatched to assist in locating the female. Attempts by the officers to locate the female based on the information provided were negative. Police officers obtained the GPS location of the cell phone and were advised that the location had a 200-meter radius. Police searched the 200-meter radius but did not find the female. Officers then resorted to driving in the area with sirens’ on in an attempt to arouse the unconscious female in hopes she would be able to call dispatch back again. This tactic worked and the female did call dispatch again stating she could hear the sirens and stated she was near the Highliner Hotel. The female was located in a wooded area behind the hotel. She was very hypothermic and in extreme distress. The female was brought to the hospital where she was treated and later released.
On May 31, 2011, the Prince Rupert RCMP seized three identical fishing rods from a residence in Prince Rupert believing them to be stolen. If you have had three identical rods stolen, please contact Cst. Kyle Trask at (250)627-0700 to claim them. You’ll need to know information about the rods and reels before they can be turned over to you. A tripod either a piece of survey equipment or a high camera tripod has also been found in the bush on Ridley Island and turned into the RCMP, again please contact Cst. Kyle Trask and provide a description of the item to claim it.
Another scam on the loose in Prince Rupert. A letter is circulating from a Barrister who works for Harcourt LLP in London, United Kingdom. This letter presents the addressee with the opportunity to be the next of kin of a deceased person who amazingly shares the same last name. The SCAM goes like this: you can have a very large sum of money($7,500,000 GBP) deposited into your bank account if you agree to be the kin and share the profit with the Barrister....sounds too good to be true??? IT IS. Please know this letter can be shredded, recycled or tossed out, just remember to remove your name and address from the paper.
A notice to motorists, as the weather improves more and more people are out cycling and running along the roadways. For everyone’s safety we ask that you slow down and move over (when safe to do so) when passing cyclists and runners on the roads. In other words - share the road. Cyclists you are reminded to abide by road rules and also to be wearing a helmet and have reflectors on your bicycle. Oh and stay off the side walks. Runners, since you are brave enough to run the hills of Prince Rupert please do so with visible clothing and/or reflective gear and be sure to look both ways before crossing the roadways.
Parents and teenagers, have you ever heard - “nothing good ever happens after midnight?” Well from a police perspective I can tell you this is true. More times then not, youths become involved in some sort of negative experience after midnight. With the end of school just around the corner, now might be a good time to have a heart to heart with your son or daughter about this very fact. It is important for you as a parent to know where your young loved one is at all times, and this is made possible through our wonderful age of technology, almost every teenager I see has a cell phone. Teens, it is important for you to think back of the times you have been out past midnight.....did you really miss anything, did the police show up, or can you think of a time or times when something bad has happened to you or someone you know after midnight? Being home before midnight does not magically return you home safely regardless of what you were doing, I wish it did, but some how it does prevent a lot of trouble, grief, anxiety and possibly even tragedy.
Please contact Prince Rupert RCMP at 250-624-2136 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS if you have any information on any crime. You can now also send an anonymous tip online at www.bccrimestoppers.com.