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City creates derelict car removal program

Residents of Prince Rupert are encouraged to take part in vehicle spring cleaning
City of Prince Rupert supports derelict car clean up. (Northern View photo)

Spring cleaning can start outside the home this year, with the City of Prince Rupert offering residents an opportunity to remove derelict vehicles for a fee of $70.

The city is asking owners to voluntarily sign over the ownership of their vehicle to the city, pay the fee, and then the city will deal with the disposal.

Removing derelict vehicles isn’t easy on Kaien Island with the impoundment yard at capacity, but the city’s contract with a scrap metal dealer will allow for bulk removal of vehicles.

“This program is intended to be both affordable and low-barrier for vehicle owners, while also enabling the vehicle to be recycled,” states the city in the March 4 press release.

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A bylaw campaign to remove unsightly vehicles and trailers will also commence soon, with the department sending letters to owners who have already received notices of impoundment.

Unsightly means the vehicle can’t move on its own, its not licenced.

Vehicles that are covered or in a carport don’t apply to the Property Maintenance Bylaw.

To coordinate vehicle removal, please contact the Bylaw Officer at (250) 624 6852 and leave a message with your contact information.

READ MORE: Enough is enough — fine derelict-property owners, says Prince Rupert councillor

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Shannon Lough | Editor
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