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New helipad in Lax Kw’alaams near Prince Rupert

Construction should take 12 weeks and be completed by August
Construction on a new helicopter pad in Lax Kw’alaams should be completed by August, the Band stated in a release on May 9. (Photo: supplied)

A new helicopter pad under construction will make accessing the Lax Kw’alaams community by air a little easier.

“The construction of the pad started on April 28 and will continue for approximately 12 weeks,” the Band announced in a statement on May 9.

Adventure Paving is the main contractor responsible for the expansion of the previous pad to three to 3.5 metres from the perimeter of the old helipad. The new landing area will include ground lights.

Construction will include the final excavation of the site, forming and placing rebar for the concrete work and installing electrical conduits. A new wind sock, camera pole, weather station and backup electrical generator will also soon be installed.

Lax Kw’alaams Band also stated the team is waiting on back-ordered electrical parts. BCHydro will be on site installing power in the near future.

Currently, the alternative helicopter landing site is near the Coast Tsimshian Fish Plant and is marked by coloured pylons. Residents are asked to keep the area clear in case of emergencies.

“Residents are asked to stay outside of the active construction zone of the helipad, and the Bay Road area,” the statement reads.

K-J Millar | Editor and Multimedia Journalist
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