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Entries needed for Prince Rupert Chocolate Festival

Organizers of the 7th annual Chocolate Festival are currently looking for delicious entries to be sampled and auctioned off to raise money towards a new stage for the Lester Centre of the Arts.

Japan needs sisterly help on its path to recovery

Japan is just starting to recover from the devastating March 11 earthquake and tsunami. Japanese citizens devastated by the natural disasters and their aftermath need our help.

Choosing the right wine for cooking with pork

I absolutely love cooking pork; whether it be a roast, chops, bacon or some grilled tenderloin,

Prince Rupert Seniors Centre Notes

Whist winners from Monday Ladies 1st-Mary & Merle (Tie), Pool-Audrey; Men’s 1st-Anne R., 2nd-Phil & Elsa-(Tie), Pool-John. Way to go.

Earth Hour set for this Saturday

Earth Hour first took place in 2007 in Sydney, Australia. On Saturday, March 31st over two million individuals and over thousand businesses turned off their lights for an hour to take a stand against climate change.

Looking and tasting good

By Andrea Pollock Fancy decanters are a little more mainstream these days than a decade ago. The decanter is a glass vessel that increases the surface area exposure of a bottle of wine to help oxygenate it and open up the aromatics. There are lots of interesting shapes and styles of decanters on the market, proving that people not only eat, but drink with their eyes. Many decanters are designed for their presentation effect – making wine look beautiful while it is being poured.

It's Kidney Month

A sea of pink

A sea of pink

Staff at Chances and their families all sported pink “Bullying Stops Here” shirts on February 23 to show their support to the anti-bullying campaign.
Pond hockey...

Pond hockey...

Last week’s cold weather may have been an inconvenience for some, but the mix of cold temperatures and clear skies made skating on Oliver Lake possible.

NWCC’s new Abalone Cam Remote Surveillance Project

Northwest Community College (NWCC) science students and faculty are joining forces with the Metlakatla Fisheries in what is being called the Abalone Cam Remote Surveillance Project, a proposal to establish a remote camera broadcasting live video stream from a critical abalone site located 30 kilometres southwest of the city, where the threatened northern or pinto abalone species is still found in numbers.