Things will get a little bloody at the Tom Rooney Playhouse on Oct. 26, 27 and 28.
Harbour Theatre is presenting Bloody Business, a dark murder-mystery filled with suspense and humour set in the fictional town of Sunshine.
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The show’s cast has been rehearsing for the play since late September and are primed to put on a great show.
“It’s been pretty wonderful, right off the bat my cast was very excited about the play,” said Claudia Stewart, the play’s director. “We did our first read-through and we laughed all the way through it. It was so much fun and it’s just been ongoing.”
Stewart said there are a variety of unique characters in the show who will keep the audience engaged the entire way through.
“Each individual character shines in their own way in the play,” she said.
READ MORE: Tom Rooney to host regional theatre festival
Prince Rupert talent inlcudes Rich Jerstad, Rudy Kelly, Krista Ediger, Tristan Higgenson and George Baker.
Tickets for the show are available at Homework or at the door for $15. Doors open at 7 p.m. on Oct. 26 and 27 with a show start time of 7:30 p.m.. Door open at 1:30 p.m. on Oct. 28 for the afternoon matinee with a start time of 2 p.m.
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