An art project by high school and elementary students aims to alleviate hunger in the community.
At Annunciation School, students from kindergarten to Grade 8 are painting clay bowls, with the help of Charles Hays Secondary Students.
The concept for the Empty Bowls Project came from teachers Tasha Parker and Rebecca Brooke, who saw the opportunity to combine visual arts with learning about poverty and lessons on giving for charity.
Once the bowls have been painted and fired, the teachers and students will host a lunch at the basement of the Annunciation Church on May 12 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Residents can make a donation to have soup and fresh bread in one of the decorated bowls, which they get to take home.
“The money raised will go to our church soup kitchen and to the Salvation Army Food Bank to help those in need,” Brooke said. “Come join us for lunch and help fight hunger in our community.”