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Creative recycling

A huge igloo made from recycled materials has prompted more Lax Kxeen students to visit the school’s library.
Lax Kxeen Elementary students have been making use of an igloo made from recycled milk jugs in the school’s library. Pictured are Emma Kelly

A huge igloo made from recycled materials has prompted more Lax Kxeen students to visit the school’s library. Constructed of hundreds of four-litre-milk jugs, the massive igloo has provided a popular reading space for children at the school.

The project was initiated and led by Lax Kxeen teacher librarian Kate Lion, with Elizabeth Scott stepping up as parent project leader. Students, parents and members of the community were asked to bring in their empty milk jugs for the igloo project, which took two months to complete. The igloo will remain in the library until the end of April.