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Prince Rupert Port Authority launches public forums

The Prince Rupert Port Authority has invited members of the public to join a forum that will provide opportunities for ongoing dialogue.

The Prince Rupert Port Authority has invited members of the public to join a forum that will provide opportunities for ongoing dialogue about port operations and developments.

The Community Information Forum will be a working group made up of stakeholders that reflect diverse viewpoints and experiences within the Prince Rupert area. Individuals selected for membership will have the ability to learn about various activities related to the Port of Prince Rupert and provide input on issues of concern.

Meeting on a regular basis, the Community Information Forum will have a maximum of 20 registered members, with a goal of including community interests such as environmental, aboriginal, municipal, business and the general public. Topics for discussion will be driven by the interests of the members.

Membership is voluntary, and will be determined by the Prince Rupert Port Authority through an application process. Membership appointments will initially be for a two-year term, and guidelines regarding official alternates, attendance requirements and term renewals will be put in place by the members. Meetings will be open to the general public, who are welcome to observe in a listening role and are invited to submit comments and questions on various topics of discussion in writing which will be shared with registered members.

Individuals interested in joining the Community Information Forum are encouraged to send a letter to the Prince Rupert Port Authority describing their interest in membership, the community groups and interests they represent, and any other pertinent information for consideration. Additional application details can be found on the Port Authority's website at