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Prince Rupert gives public notice of Cannabis Retail application

The High Culture Shop Inc. has applied to open a cannabis retail store in Five Corners
The City of Prince Rupert posted a public notice about that The High Culture Shop Inc. has submitted its application to the province for a retail cannabis sales licence at Five Corners. (Matthew Allen / The Northern View)

A potential cannabis retailer in Prince Rupert is taking another step toward opening its doors.

The City of Prince Rupert posted a notice earlier this week that The High Culture Shop Inc. has submitted its application to the province for a retail cannabis sales licence.

READ MORE: Prince Rupert draws its line for cannabis business

The store’s proposed location is in the 1100 Park Avenue block at Five Corners in downtown Prince Rupert, which falls within the area specifically zoned in the city for retail cannabis sales.

On Dec. 10, the city finalized the zone where cannabis can be sold in Prince Rupert, which was expanded to include the Five Corners block.

As part of the process of completing that application, the city is required to gather feedback from the community, and the notice said comments would be welcomed either in writing or through and email. Owners of the High Culture Shop Inc. are also notifying the residents in the surrounding area that they are considering opening a cannabis store.

Council will hear any public feedback as well as any RCMP or Fire Department recommendations to be considered on Jan. 28 at its regular council meeting.

If approved, city council will be forward application to the province where it will be reviewed by the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch, who will decide whether or not to give the licence the final green light.

READ MORE: Council tends to weed business growth in Prince Rupert

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Matthew Allen | Reporter
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